第3のmemcachedクライアントライブラリ (C言語)



So why implement another C client library? (since that is the first question I expect some one to ask)

1) The libmemache library I was using for a while for the MySQL memcached storage engine leaks memory and after toying with it I decided I didn't want to fix it.
2) The APR one has the drawback that its the APR. I don't need/want the entire APR and I don't really want to deal with the Apache License either (great license, I use it myself, but not what I want)

So I wrote one for myself :)

libmemcached C client library

作者のBrian Akerさんは、件のメールでもふれているようにmemcache_engine (MySQLのストレージエンジンとしてmemcachedを使う実装) の作者であり、また、MySQL ABのDirector of Architectureという肩書きももっている方のようです。

先日行われたMySQL Users Conference Japan 2007でも多くのセッションを持っていました。
