Re: UNIX Command Idioms
Re: [twitter:@riywo]'s UNIX Command Idioms
- ps auxwwwwwww
- number of "w" depends on my mood in that day :D
- ps auxwwwwwwwww -L
- netstat -tna / -una / -tnl / -tnap
- tar xvf
- tar zxvf / jxvf / Jxvf are boring
- trailing slash in rsync
- tcpdump -i any -nlx
- strace -s 100 -fFTttt
- diff -u /path/to/file <(ssh host cat /path/to/file)
and I love aliases:
- alias pa='ps auxwwww'
- alias pspgid='ps axwww -o "ppid pgid pid user fname args"'
- alias iops='ps auxwwww -L|awk "\$10 ~ /(D|STAT)/{print}"'
- alias u='cd ..'
- alias uu='cd ../..'
- alias uuu='cd ../../..'
- alias uuuu='cd ../../../..'
- alias ddu='du -sm ./*|sort -n|tail'
- iname() { find . -type d -name .svn -prune -o \( -iname "*$1*" -print \); }
- alias inaem=iname (for typo)
- alias fnuniq='cut -d: -f1|uniq'
- iname foo | fnuniq
- alias ipsort='sort -nt. +0 -1 +1 -2 +2 -3 +3'
- alias sortpw='sort -t: -k3n /etc/passwd'
- alias sortgrp='sort -t: -k3n /etc/group'
- alias eman='LC_ALL=C LANG=C man'
- alias FORORENO='for i in host host host; do'
- FORORENO echo $i; command; done
- alias cert2text='openssl x509 -text -in '
- alias priv2text='openssl rsa -text -in '
- https2text
https2text() { # FQDN[:PORT] case $1 in *:*) URL=$1 ;; *) URL="$1:443" ;; esac echo | openssl s_client -connect $URL 2>/dev/null | \ sed -n -e '/BEGIN /,/END /p' | \ openssl x509 -text }
- alias perlck='perl -Mstrict -Mwarnings -wc'
- alias pmk='perl Makefile.PL; make && make test'
- alias perldoc-type='perldoc Mouse::Util::TypeConstraints'
- pmver
pmver () { do_cd= if [ "$1" = '-cd' ]; then do_cd=1 shift fi module=$1 perl -M${module} -e "print \$${module}::VERSION,\"\n\"" fullpath=$( perldoc -ml ${module} 2>/dev/null [ $? -eq 255 ] && perldoc -l ${module} ) echo $fullpath if [ "$do_cd" = '1' ]; then \cd $(dirname $fullpath) fi }
- alias dates='date "+%Y-%m-%d %T.%N"'
- alias today="date '+%Y%m%d'"
- alias today-="date '+%Y-%m-%d'"
- alias now="date '+%Y%m%d_%H%M%S'"
- alias now-="date '+%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S'"
- alias wdump='curl -i'
- I love alias letter :D
- alias a='alias'
- alias c='clear'
- alias d='cd /usr/oreno'
- alias h='cd ~'
- alias l='ls -F'
- alias m='cd /var/tmp/making'
- alias s='cd ~/repos'
- alias u='cd ..'
- alias v='less'
- alias x='exit'
- a | grep 'alias .=' | wc -l -> 12